
Within a few days after registering you will receive an invoice if you have any balance due. When registration is settled immediately by credit card a PDF receipt is immediately available for download. In any case you will receive an automatic email confirmation a few seconds following a successful registration. In all cases, please note that your registration is not final until any outstanding balance is made in full. Please keep your confirmation email as proof-of-enrollment.

Registration fees

The registration fees include the material and services as listed on the EFTF 2024 registration information page, or as outlined in your exhibition contract. All fees must be paid in full before the congress commences. A processing fee of CHF 30.- will be added when choosing the option to pay by invoice. No processing fee is added when paying by credit card.

EFTF 2024 Executive Office – FSRM

The FSRM (Swiss Foundation for Research in Microtechnology) is an organising partner for EFTF 2024 and will handle all registration and accounting operations for the conference. For this reason you will see “FSRM” on your credit card if you have chosen to register with this payment option. Questions or concerns may be addressed to or by telephone at +41(0)32 720 09 00.


If you register but are now unable to attend, you must notify us in writing (email is ok). The cancellation terms are as follows:

  • cancellation before May 31, 2024 at 23:59 CEST = full (100 %) refund.
  • cancellation after May 31, 2024 and before June 15 at 23:59 CEST = 50 % refund.
  • cancellation after June 15, 2024 at 23:59 CEST = 0 % refund.

In all cases, you may propose a replacement participant with no penalty.

Personal Details and Privacy

By enrolling at EFTF 2024 you agree to the FSRM privacy policy on data collection (available here). The FSRM will never sell or distribute your personal data to third parties. Your contact information may be used to contact you to inform you of future EFTF editions.

EFTF 2024 will use a mobile smartphone app in place of a printed program. Participants will be able to explicitly OPT-IN or OPT-OUT of sharing of their personal data with other participants. Speakers and poster presenters implicitly agree that their contact information may be visible in the program.

When paying on-line via credit card, no financial information is stored on FSRM servers (web-facing or internal). Data is transmitted securely to the Saferpay payment gateway only for validation of payment.

By participating at EFTF 2024, participants may have their photo taken by event photographers. These images may be published on the conference web site and/or used for the promotion of future EFTF congresses or its organising partners’ events.


In the unlikely event of legal litigation, the place of the arbitration shall be Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be French.