Please note that the conference office staff will be operating at reduced capacity during the summer period from July 18 – August 10.

Email sent to the below address during this period will not be answered before August 10.

General Enquiries

Please use email to get in touch with us. For general enquiries we can usually respond within 1-2 days (Monday – Friday).

👉 Office email:

Newsletter Signup 

To sign up for our conference newsletter simply send a short email which includes your affiliation (i.e. your professional or institutional email address).

👉 Send to: 

Important: In order to ensure delivery of our messages you should add the server to your list of approved senders.


Postal Address & Telephone

EFTF 2024
c/o FSRM
Ruelle DuPeyrou 4
2000 Neuchâtel

T. +41 (0)32 720 09 00


Exhibition Enquiries

For questions concerning sponsoring and the exhibition, please consult this page.